It will only take 26 minutes to travel from Nice Cote d’Azur Airport to the port in Nice via the city’s new 11.3km tramway with 20 stops.
The Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolitan Authority awarded the main civil engineering contract on the future line 2 of the tramway to the Thaumasia consortium.
Nice, France
Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur
Bouygues TP, Bouygues TP RF, Colas/Snaf, Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Tunnel, Bessac
01/03/2014 - 01/12/2019
The tunnel is being built to efficiently serve the city centre while safeguarding its architectural heritage.
Soletanche Bachy faces the challenges of complex geology with highly variable soil and a small construction site in the centre of the city with shallow foundations and particularly sensitive built structures.
The tunnel, special works and major works are completed.
The finishing, equipment, surface work, and testing the trams in the tunnel is underway.
Soletanche Bachy is a world leader in foundations and soil technologies, operating in 60 countries via a network of 80 subsidiaries and branches. The Group delivers the full range of geotechnical processes and provides innovative, effective solutions as either a lead or specialist contractor for turnkey projects with a geotechnical focus or specialist works.
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