Cut-off walls
Cut-off achieved by the installation of a new material or substitution material, resulting in a great increase in the permeability of a zone.
Soletanche Bachy’s cut-off walls techniques mean we can intervene on all types of structure and every type of soil regardless of its permeability.
The solution is cut-off walls. This ensures the longevity of structures such as dykes or dams. It also allows for the confinement of working zones that might be polluted or to lower the ground water level. This technique can also be used in advance of a tunnel project to limit water infiltration and subsidence.
Soletanche Bachy offers the largest range of cut-off walls solutions on the market, which means it can apply the best-adapted technique for the configuration of your site.
Soletanche Bachy offers you its full range of Deep Soil Mixing processes for ground improvement, cut-off walls applications or support of excavation.
Filling cavities in the ground to protect structures.
The principle of freezing soils is to turn interstitial water into ice, thereby ensuring a watertight and solid bond between the particles in the ground.
The Geomix® process uses the soil mixing technique across a broad spectrum of applications, including soil improvement, retaining walls or cut-off walls: a technique well understood by the teams of Soletanche Bachy.
Cut-off achieved by the installation of a new material or substitution material, resulting in a great increase in the permeability of a zone.
Lowering of groundwater flow in the soil, generally for purposes of excavation.
Panels formed by adjacent piles that make a retaining structure.
A continuous cut-off wall made by the injection of grout using vibro-driving of metal H-shaped sections fitted with injection tubes.
Soletanche Bachy is a world leader in foundations and soil technologies, operating in 60 countries via a network of 80 subsidiaries and branches. The Group delivers the full range of geotechnical processes and provides innovative, effective solutions as either a lead or specialist contractor for turnkey projects with a geotechnical focus or specialist works.
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