Soletanche Bachy takes part in the 2019 Panamericano conference

From 17 to 20 November, the 16th Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (PCSMGE) was held in Cancun, Mexico. Local teams have mobilised for the event.


It had been almost 25 years since the Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering was hosted in Mexico (Note: first PCSMGE in 1959, in Mexico) and our colleagues from Cimesa and Rodio Swissboring were ready to welcome it and present the Soletanche Bachy group’s expertise, with significant participation and a large number of technical presentations.

Supported by sales staff on the booth, our business lines and know-how were widely represented through numerous presentations.

Some of this event’s presentations are available in the module opposite.

XVIe conférence Panaméricaine sur la Mécanique des Sols et le Génie Géotechnique (PCSMGE)