Soletanche Bachy Chile is constructing the retaining works and foundations for the Edificio Playa Cochoa building

This real-estate project involves the construction of a building with 21 tiered floors on the seafront along the bay of Valparaíso. The construction site is being managed by a general contractor for one of the main real-estate developers in Viña del Mar, a seaside resort on the Pacific coast level with Santiago.


The works involve the excavation of a sloping embankment with a total height of 55m, protected by soil nailing (shotcrete applied to passive rebars), the installation of permanent prestressed anchors and foundation micropiles.

The excavation is mainly being carried out in dune sands, loose at the top and increasingly compact deeper down. The volume to be excavated is calculated precisely, with a fairly complex system of platforms and ledges to allow the construction of a tiered building on a foundation of micropiles and anchored to the slope using permanent anchors.

The rock in the lower section is being excavated using a plasma cutter to reduce vibrations.

This project follows a first, almost identical construction, completed in 2016 for the same client on an adjoining plot. A great trust mark for our local teams

Despite its complexity, this construction site is built to the exacting safety and quality standards. This requirement is present on all the Group’s sites and makes Soletanche Bachy a quality partner.

This project began in December 2018 and is due for completion in February.

In a few figures

  • 6,000 sq. m of curtains,
  • 500 anchors and micropiles,
  • Earthworks: 45,000m3 in sand and 10,000m3 in rock
Réalisation du soutènement et des fondations du bâtiment Edificio Playa Cochoa : fouille, soil-nailing, voile, micropieux, tirants, terrassement