After the DREAL worksite awarded to the consortium made up of Campenon Bernard Center-Est/Soletanche Bachy France/Soletanche Bachy Fondations Spéciales/VINCI Construction Terrassement/Sogea/Eurovia – involving development of the interchange which will expand part of Grenoble's southern bypass, the RN87, from two to three lanes in each direction – another site, located a few meters away, has just been acquired on behalf of SNCF.
SNCF selected the bid from the Campenon Bernard Center Est/Soletanche Bachy/VINCI Construction Terrassements consortium for the construction of two rail bridges to allow the future RN87 road links to pass beneath the railway line.
For the teams, this is a complex site with numerous challenges:
In the middle of the DREAL worksite, an SNCF track (Lyon to Marseille line via Grenoble) crosses the RN87, with the DREAL contract ending on either side of the railway structure.