Environment Day at VINCI: overview of environmental actions at Soletanche Bachy
Today is the first Environment Day in the VINCI group. The opportunity for Soletanche Bachy to remind the ambitious goal fixed by the company (to reduce our carbon footprint by 40% by 2030) and to present concrete initiatives in the key areas of our foundation and soil technology business: fossil energy consumption, cement and waste.
At the beginning of 2020, Christophe Dauchy presented Soletanche Bachy’s Environmental action plan to us. Despite Covid-19, the environment remains a major issue for our business in foundations and soil technologies. Whether on-site or in the offices, nearly all the Soletanche Bachy subsidiaries have developed their Local environmental action plan.
Numerous initiatives have been launched and many good ideas have emerged in our Action plan’s target areas, in relation to waste treatment, or reducing fuel consumption, but also in terms of reducing our consumption of cement, which is widely used in concrete to carry out our foundation works and soil technologies, such as diaphragm walls or prefabricated piles.
Learn about some of the good practices resulting from our subsidiaries’ Environmental action plans:
- The Eurofrance area plans to develop the skills and knowledge of business managers and buyers in the use of low carbon concrete from the tender phase,
- Bessac aims to offer in its commercial offers the use of an Ultra-Low Carbon or Very Low Carbon coating,
- At Soletanche Bachy International Grands Projets will integrate a review by the Materials Laboratory will be incorporated into the acquisition process in order to study the possibility of using local low-carbon cement.
- At Nicholson, a subsidiary of Soletanche Bachy in the United States, the technical departments and the Design office will adopt an “Environment in Design” approach, involving incorporating environmental issues upstream of the design process, in order to optimise the quantities of materials to be used, for example.
- The CO2 impact of our company vehicles should not be overlooked, which is why at Soletanche Polska and at GFWA (Australia), season tickets on public transport are financed by the company in order to encourage employees to reduce their individual travel.
- At Rodio Swissboring and at Soletanche Bachy Colombia, training in eco-driving will be offered.
- Bachy Soletanche Singapore, meanwhile, is focusing on reducing inert waste, which is produced in large quantities on our sites. The subsidiary is currently testing techniques to filter the drilling fluid. Separating the water from the used drilling fluid will reduce not only the amount of waste produced but also the number of trucks required to transport the drilling fluid, thereby reducing CO2 emissions.
Discover the Soletanche Bachy’s environmental commitment: https://www.soletanche-bachy.com/en/about/environment