Find out all about the extension of terminal C in the Bay of Montevideo, the Rio de la Plata estuary, in images.
As a reminder, Soletanche Bachy – in a consortium with Saceem and Dredging International (Deme) and on behalf of the National Administration of Ports of Uruguay – carried out the “Ampliación Muelle C” project as an extension of terminal C, completed by the same group between 2012 and 2015. This new design and build project includes a connecting structure between the two quays, a 180m platform, a 6,700m² esplanade and the modifications necessary to accommodate 330m vessels. It was constructed in the same way as the previous platform: quayside on bored piles and a structure made from prefabricated elements and a slab cast in-situ.
In a few figures:
Building on its local roots and its central resources, Soletanche Bachy put together a local team of professionals from Colombia, Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Spain and France. The work assigned to the Group concerned maritime works and special offshore and onshore civil engineering works.
All the work carried out in advance with the methods department and locally with the site teams was successful and the project was delivered by the agreed deadline.
This project was carried out within the framework of the new ForSHORE brand, created by Soletanche Bachy. ForSHORE’s objective is to support its clients with their construction and port infrastructure repair projects with a strong geotechnical component. The Group uses the best of its expertise to ensure maximum control of risks associated with the interaction between infrastructure and the ground.
To find out more about this project, read the next edition of the Travaux review dedicated to maritime works.