All the civil engineering contracts awarded for Grand Paris Express Line 15 South.
The Société du Grand Paris recently awarded the last two of eight civil engineering contracts for Line 15 South. Combined, the works packages for this 33-kilometre line connecting Pont de Sèvres and Noisy Champs will amount to €3.7 billion. By the end of the year, 41 projects will be under way, the first of the 10 tunnel boring machines in use on this Grand Paris Express line will be digging in Champigny, and 4,000 people will be working on this first line in the new metro system.
The civil engineering works on the section between the ancillary building in Île de Monsieur (Sèvres) and Fort d’Issy Vanves Clamart station (excluded) will be carried out by a consortium led by Bouygues Travaux Publics and encompassing Soletanche Bachy France, Soletanche Bachy Tunnels, Bessac, and Sade. This contract is worth €513 million (plus tax) and works involve the construction of:
– A 4 km bored tunnel
– The Pont de Sèvres and Issy RER stations
– A metal-framed structure
– Ancillary buildings