Our Polish subsidiary Soletanche Polska is part of eight VINCI Group companies in Poland involved in #razemdlaszpitali, an initiative aiming at supporting local hospitals in the fight against COVID-19 by sponsoring the purchase of personal protective equipment.
“In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and in line with our shared values, which is caring for health and safety, companies from the VINCI Group in Poland decided to respond to the medical community’s appeal together” – said Hubert Tomczak – Managing Director of Soletanche Polska.
“We just could not ignore the calls for help in combating COVID-19 issued by our medical institutions. It is important for us to show solidarity and responsibility,” explains Jakub Saloni, Managing Director of Menard Polska and leader of the VINCI Pivot Club in Poland. “This is why eight companies in our Pivot Club decided to join forces and support the medical units most in need by sponsoring the purchase of personal protective equipment.”
#razemdlaszpitali is an initiative by Warbud SA, ATEM-Polska, Axians Networks Poland, Eurovia Polska, Freyssinet Polska, Menard Polska, Soletanche Polska and VINCI Immobilier Polska. Twenty-one healthcare institutions (These include hospitals, medical centers, but also social welfare homes in an extremely difficult situation) in 16 Polish cities (Warsaw, Cracow, Szczecin, Łódź, Toruń, Gdańsk and Katowice) have received support totalling more than PLN 250,000, making it possible for them to purchase 30,000 surgical masks, 3,000 litres of liquid disinfectant, 1,630 visors and 570 packs of protective gloves.
Action is coordinated by the “Warbud Foundation – Warto Pomagać”. (Worth Helping).